Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright was an American Architect born in Arizona and is regarded as one of the most iconic designers of not only his generation but of all time. Wright had a particularly philosophy in his designs, he believed in 'Organic Architecture' which is the harmony between the building and humanity and the surrounding around it. This is something which is a very big part of design today in Eco-friendly building where we're trying to make the design of the building have a minimal effect on its surroundings.
He didn't have a good education behind him when he went into the industry, but he was still committed as ever to get involved in Architecture and in 1887 he left University without gaining his degree and moved to Chicago, his first impression was that it was a grimy place, with crowded streets and disappointing architecture, but this didn't deter him in the slightest, it made him more determined to find work and after being in the city for a few days he'd already lined up several interviews with different Architect firms across the town and was hired as a draftsmen for Joesph Lyman Silsbee. He did briefly leave the firm as he thought he wasn't being paid what he should be, but once he started his new job as a designer, he realised he wasn't quite ready to start designing buildings on his so instead quit his job and returned to his old one working for Silsbee.
In 1888, he left and joined Adler and Sullivan where Louis Sullivan took him under his wing, mentoring him and giving him more responsibility in the designs than he previously had. In 1889 he got married, and Sullivan gave him a five year contract so that he had a stable financial income to start his married live, but Frank had one more proposal, he wanted Louis to loan him some money in order for him to build a small house in Chicago for him and his wife, to which Louis Suillivan obliged and gave him $5000. To me this shows the character and determination that Frank Lloyd Wright, that he wasn't afraid to ask for that bit of help with something he needed. However during the years that followed, Wright struggled to pay this money back and have sufficient funds and this was blamed on the lavish lifestyle he had, with designer clothes, jewelry and vehicles being some of his luxuries.
He set up his own practise in 1893, doing so in the Schiller Building, which was designed by Louis Sullivan and it reminded him of the offices at the Adler and Sullivan practise. After moving out of this building he set up a new location and formed the Prairie School with a few other Architects. His first project in the newly formed school, was the Winslow House, which had elements of Sullivans work in along with with simple geometry and horizontal lines that were all part of Frank Lloyd Wright's work. Several houses he designed after this followed the same principle, and this became a feature of his work which made him stand out from other architects in Chicago.
Until 1909, Wright was only known in America but Europe was yet to know what this now iconic American Architect was all about. What lured him to Europe was the chance to get his portfolio printed with Ernst Wasmuth and two years later his work was published for the first time in Europe, gaining major exposure in the continent. He stayed in Europe for another year before returning to America where is 'Organic Stlye' of design was in full flow now with buildings such as; Graycliff, Taliesin and Fallingwater.
To me, Fallingwater is the one piece of Architecture which is associate him with. It took three years to build the house, from 1934-1937 which is nearly eight decades ago and in my eyes, it's a house which could have been designed and built yesterday as I think that it looks like a piece of modern architecture of today with its flat crisp edges with bold shapes and suspended parts over the water. Its also encapsulates what Frank Lloyd Wrights philosophy is all about, the building living as one with its surroundings as it doesn't stick out in the forest, if anything it blends in perfectly and it's a house which I could see myself living in as it will never be dated.
What makes Frank Lloyd Wright an iconic Architect to me, is the fact that his designs today don't look dated even when they were designed many decades ago meaning his legacy is always around, and when you walk by you won't walk by thinking that's a bit boring and old, sometimes you might be surprised about how old the building actually is. Also the features of his designs, simple shapes and straight lines are very much used in many Architects designs of today, and they no doubt may have drawn inspiration from Wright. Who himself said he didn't have any inspiration in his designs but those close to him, credit his inspiration from five places; Louis Sullivan his 'dear master', Nature, the free forming shapes and colours, Music, Japanese Art and Froebel Gifts. His philosophy of 'Organic Design' will always be an inspiration to me and something that many other will take into account when designing in the future.

  'The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen'

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