Tuesday, 22 January 2013

3D Printing

Being a student with the design industry today, is probably one of the best times to be studying within this field, and in my eyes one of the most exciting pieces of techology is 3D Printing. This is completley changing what designers are doing assisting them in ways never done before, so it shouts out to me as something that I should talk about here on my blog.
So some might be asking what exactly is 3D Printing? Well what it is is this; it's the process where a 3D object is created from a digital image from the computer. It does this by building up the different layers of the object one at a time, applying the chosen material ontop of each layer, in some cases its a glue resin which is used.
From an Architects perspective, I believe that one of the most exciting uses for 3D Printing will be applying it into rapid prototyping. As when you go to show your client what your design may look like, instead of spending valuable time and creating a model, you can create the design on the computer, using software which they'll already be using and then get the printer to create an accurate 3D replica off the design. To me, I believe this is of great use for Archtiects around the world, as they'll be able to create a 3D representation of their design in less time than it would previously have taken, benefiting both the designer and the client.
Other benefits that 3D Printing has produced is due to the fact that we're now able to create rapid prototypes, it means that we're able to create mass products on a larger scale. Another benefit, is that because you'll have the design on the computer already, you can custom the designs on many different scales, changing them a little or a lot and the fact that you can print these designs into a solid object, will allow you to get an idea of what these customisations will look like.
You may also think that 3D Printing is something that is only accesable to companies with money behind them, however you can purchase a printer for last than a thousand pounds, which means given the right knowledge you could even have one in your house. As a student about to go to university and study Architecutre, if I had a 3D printer at home, it would make my work and portfolio signifacntly stronger than those around me. However, with the technology world ever developing, one of the developments of 3D Printing I would like to happen in the future, is the option to download parts from an online catalgoue. By this I mean, when an appliance breaks or you're missing a certain part to something, rather than having to go looking for this part at lots of different shops, you can simply go online and get the design and begin making yourself a 3D model that will be able to be used where it is needed. To me, this would be a great advantage to many people across the world, and is something that is a lot closer than other people think.

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